Makings of a leading-edge economy
As published on The Business Times (4 Nov 2019):
THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: What are the quintessential attributes of a highly competitive economy?
Silver linings in the clouds
As published on The Business Times (13 Oct 2019):
THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: What has been the impact, if any, of the economic downturn on your business or industry? Should there be support measures for the Singapore economy at this stage?
Ensuring a bright future and a sustained competitive edge
As published on The Business Times (12 Aug 2019):
THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: As Singapore turns 54, what is the most pressing issue facing the country?
Keep calm and carry on
As published on The Business Times (21 Jul 2019):
What measures, if any, are needed as Singapore seeks to tackle the economic slowdown?